Friday, May 29, 2020

JibberJobber updates

JibberJobber updates This is the first of a weekly communication on what was updated in the last week.   In the last few months there have been a number of new, cool updates, and we just kind of snuck them in.   From now on you can read about these updates on a weekly basis. This last week saw more little polishing, based on user input.   In addition to little changes here and there, there are two that merit more of a spotlight (both are Premium features): 1. Network Goals (see description below) 2. custom order of the output when you export to CSV.   We found that some programs (especially Palm Desktop) are a pain to use when importing other files, especially if the order of the fields does not match what they want.   So we allow you to determine the exact order of fields, so that the import into those programs is easier. The COOLEST update that is in the system is the Networking Goals.   Here is how it works: Lets say you have 50 people in your network.   Lets say that 2 are 5-star, 5 are 4-star, 7 are 3-star, 1 is 2-star and the rest are 1-star.   Well, aside from creating a network, you need to continually improve your relationship with people in your network!   This new feature in JibberJobber allows you to say something like: My goal is to improve 1/3rd of my relationships for all of my network in the next 30 days in other words, move 33% of my network contacts from whatever ranking they are in to at least the next level. The cool thing is that you can have various goals all at the same time.   So, you can choose to improve: 40% of the relationships that are 1-star, 10% of the relationships that are 3 star, etc. The goals are all confined within a timeframe that you set, and there are cool reports that show you how you are doing on your goal, who you have upgraded, who you havent upgraded, etc. Quite cool. Whats to come?   Still more improvements based on user input this is stuff to make the system easier to use, more intuitive, more powerful.   And of course, building on the recruiter relationship to enrich *your* relationship with others that are helping you in your job search. More update news next week JibberJobber updates This is the first of a weekly communication on what was updated in the last week.   In the last few months there have been a number of new, cool updates, and we just kind of snuck them in.   From now on you can read about these updates on a weekly basis. This last week saw more little polishing, based on user input.   In addition to little changes here and there, there are two that merit more of a spotlight (both are Premium features): 1. Network Goals (see description below) 2. custom order of the output when you export to CSV.   We found that some programs (especially Palm Desktop) are a pain to use when importing other files, especially if the order of the fields does not match what they want.   So we allow you to determine the exact order of fields, so that the import into those programs is easier. The COOLEST update that is in the system is the Networking Goals.   Here is how it works: Lets say you have 50 people in your network.   Lets say that 2 are 5-star, 5 are 4-star, 7 are 3-star, 1 is 2-star and the rest are 1-star.   Well, aside from creating a network, you need to continually improve your relationship with people in your network!   This new feature in JibberJobber allows you to say something like: My goal is to improve 1/3rd of my relationships for all of my network in the next 30 days in other words, move 33% of my network contacts from whatever ranking they are in to at least the next level. The cool thing is that you can have various goals all at the same time.   So, you can choose to improve: 40% of the relationships that are 1-star, 10% of the relationships that are 3 star, etc. The goals are all confined within a timeframe that you set, and there are cool reports that show you how you are doing on your goal, who you have upgraded, who you havent upgraded, etc. Quite cool. Whats to come?   Still more improvements based on user input this is stuff to make the system easier to use, more intuitive, more powerful.   And of course, building on the recruiter relationship to enrich *your* relationship with others that are helping you in your job search. More update news next week

Monday, May 25, 2020

How Tech Brings HR and Marketing Together

How Tech Brings HR and Marketing Together In the past, HR and marketing departments had little to do with each other.  Human Resources placed their focus on new hires and current employees, while the marketing team would concentrate predominantly on the consumer side of things. However, with the growth of technology and social media, the two departments have been growing increasingly closer to one another and it turns out that creating a great employer brand involves many of the same techniques as marketing the brands product. Though many HR professionals would consider themselves pretty tech savvy,  its the marketing professionals who tend to know and have access to the latest technological trends to communicate and engage with their customers. So how exactly is  technology bridging the gap  between HR and marketing and what can be done for them to work well hand in hand? Customers have become potential employees. A lot of brand marketing reflects the culture and values of an organisation in order to create a rounded representation of the company in the eye of both the consumers and also job seekers. If a certain individual has become a loyal customer of the brand, chances are that they have done so because they feel they are familiar with the brands products,  can identify with the company culture and share similar principles. Essentially this makes them  a  good cultural fit for the company, which is crucial for employee engagement and retention. All you need then are the  required skills of course and youve found yourself the perfect employee! So once the consumers had been identified as potential employees, it made sense to create some crossover between marketing that targets both customers and also job seekers, with particular focus online.  These individuals can be pinpointed among the brands social media following and data can be taken from user activity that will not only to predict consumer behaviours, but also employee performance. Creating an effective employer brand. Most businesses have a strong online presence for marketing purposes, however they can also leverage this presence for talent attraction. The growth of technology has really broadened the reach of an organisation, whether it through the existing company website and  social media accounts, or by setting up new career focused ones. This has opened up possibilities for employers to source  the best candidates available to them and made significant changes to the way that employers communicate with talent. Building a great employer brand can make a world of difference when it comes to hiring. After all, job seekers are more likely to want to work for an organisation who successfully promotes themselves for supporting their employees and having a constructive, enjoyable work environment, than for a business who offers very little insight into their company culture. By integrating HR and marketing strategies, a company can build an effective employer brand that will attract the top talent to the organisation. Similar methods can be used for attracting new employees to the company,  as for enticing  customers to their product, such as advertising jobs, sharing interesting content, interacting with followers and exhibiting the human side of the brand. Social media  makes it possible for an organisation to share a glimpse into the company culture and the experience of the employees, that will allow job seekers to envisage themselves working there. Much like in marketing, it is important for an organisation to be able to interact with and build a relationship with their followers, for the sake of building a reputation as a personable and reputable business. Employees are brand ambassadors. Current employees make  the best brand ambassadors, as they can offer  a more authentic and trustworthy representation of your organisation  than that presented through official marketing channels. People will look to a companys workforce for a more honest and personal insight into a  company, not only as a consumer, but also for seeking an insight into what the company is like as an employer. Social media is the perfect tool for employee advocacy,  as  a large number of employees will  already have an  extensive network of friends, followers, and connections, expanding the brands reach significantly. All it takes for social  advocacy to work, is to encourage employees to talk about their job and the company on social media, be it by sharing photos of  a team night out or expressing thoughts about a project they are currently working on. Any positive posts about the organisation and what its like to work there will create a favourable impression of the business as a brand and an  employer. Many companies have developed an employee hashtag where all employee content about the organisation can be recorded, for example #lifeatlinkhumans.

Friday, May 22, 2020

CV Makeover University of Manchester Careers Blog

CV Makeover University of Manchester Careers Blog Want some quick tips to make the format of your CV look eye-catching and contemporary? Mildred Talabi writes some good stuff about careers, and shes put together a short screencast, showing you how to take a very common basic CV and give it a more modern feel. CVs have fashions, and its always a good idea to keep up to date with what recruiters are expecting to see today, rather than what your teacher told you at school. (Dont laugh many students seem to start with their school CV and just add a line  about their degree and some even forget to add that!) The screencast specifically shows a more modern format, and doesnt try to address the content. Dont feel you have to follow it rigorously (there arent any fixed rules with CVs) but it could give you ideas for giving your own CV a spring-clean think its about time I had another look at my own example postgrad CVs! The video is about 15 mins long (but you can skip the first couple of minutes if you dont want the ad for Mildreds CV services and book). Ive always got my critical hat on when I see careers advice on the web, but I do like to read Mildreds advice, even if I dont always agree with it (though  I normally do). All Postgrad-highlighted Postgraduate CV

Monday, May 18, 2020

Registered Nurse Cover Letter Sample -

Registered Nurse Cover Letter Sample - Registered Nurse Cover Letter Template Download our cover letter template in Word format. Instant download. No email required. Download Template Related Hiring Resources Registered Nurse Job Description Sample

Friday, May 15, 2020

Ph.D.- Is it a Useless Degree in Pursuing a Career - Career Pivot

Ph.D.- Is it a Useless Degree in Pursuing a Career - Career Pivot Ph.D. â€" Is it a Useless Degree? Over the last few years, I have worked or spoke with numerous people who earned their Ph.D. degrees and have found themselves at a crossroads. Their degrees have proved useless in progressing their careers. One of my clients pointed me to the article published in the Economist â€"Doctoral degrees â€"The disposable academic. Common Themes There were several common themes in the stories they told me: Loved to learn Really smart Were not in love with the subject they studied but did not know what else they wanted to do Studied subjects that were not valued in the business world Thought they would teach as a professor at a major University Followed the default pathand no one told them the realities The key theme is the last one, they followed the default path. I claim this is somewhat due to thegreat recession.When many completed a degree, there were no jobs, so they continued to study and take more loans to delay having to get a job. That is until they finished their Ph.D. and there was either no post-doctorate work or the pay was so low that they could not live and pay their student loans. The author ofDoctoral degrees â€"The disposable academicwrote: Many students say they are pursuing their subject out of love, and that education is an end in itself. Some give little thought to where the qualification might lead. In one study of British Ph.D. graduates, about a third admitted that they were doing their doctorate partly to go on being a student, or put off job hunting. Nearly half of engineering students admitted to this. Dreams of Becoming a Professor As they pursued their education many had dreams of becoming a professor. Major universities for years have been moving away from tenured professorships to using adjunct or part-time faculty. Plus, many of those tenured professors, who would have retired when they turned 65, are not retiring. No one discussed with them that the chance of getting a professorship was slim to none and they never thought to ask. This is best illustrated in the articleThe Ever-Shrinking Role of Tenured College Professors (in 1 Chart)from the website The Atlantic. Check out the chart below. The Future Taylor Pearson, author of The End of Jobs: Money, Meaning, and Freedom Without the 9-to-5stated in my podcast: Listen to the most recent episode We’ve stopped thinking of higher education as an investment, and started thinking of it as a must-have. But, for two decades, the salary value of the degree has been going down across every industry, while the cost of it has been going up. The lines have crossed for a lot of professions, such as JDs and MBAs. Higher education and particularly the Ph.D. degree in many disciplines are no longer economically viable. I claim that most advanced degrees are rapidly becoming dinosaurs because of the rapid change in our society and economies. All of the people I have encountered, that inspired me to write this post, are in their mid-30s to mid-40s and are lost on what to do next. For some of them, their education is a lost cause. They must pursue other avenues for a career. For others, it is going back to what they studied in their undergraduate studies or masters program. Studying for the sake of studying feels good at the time but there are economic realities. Is this you? Do you know someone like the people I described? Marc Miller Like what you just read? Share it with your friends using the buttons above. Like What You Read? Get Career Pivot Insights! Check out the Repurpose Your Career Podcast Do You Need Help With ...

Monday, May 11, 2020

Heres How Important Business Safety Equipment Is

Heres How Important Business Safety Equipment Is Operating a business isn’t easy. After all, you have so much to think about on a day to day basis, and on top of this you have to worry about your employees and whether or not they are safe. If you want to avoid all of this then one thing that you can do is make sure that they have all of the right safety equipment required to get the job done. Take a look below to find out more. Head Protection Hard hats are required if you work on a construction site. When you walk past a site, you can usually identify any workers by their hard hats. These are designed to protect people against any flying or even falling objects that would otherwise be a hazard. Some hard hats come with face shields and even earmuffs as well. If you are providing hardhats for your team then you have to make sure that they are well-fitted and that they aren’t too big or too small for use. If you are not sure if you have the right material for your hardhats then check out this textile and apparel testing laboratory to find out more. Eye Protection Eye protection is just as important as head protection. You need to make sure that you have safety protection such as safety goggles or even spectacles if you are working with wood, metal or anything that is hot. General labourers can also really benefit from having things like this and this is all because there is usually a ton of debris on a construction site. It doesn’t take much to invest in some eye protection, but when you do, it could prevent life-threatening injuries. Respiratory Protection Respiratory protection is crucial if you are working on a site where there are a lot of toxic substances. Sometimes, there may be toxic spores in the air that can cause serious damage to you and in some instances they can even cause permanent impairment as well. Respiratory protection is able to shield you against paint spray, pesticides, dust and even fumes as well. They are mostly needed when adequate ventilation is not present, and they can make all the difference to the health and safety of your team. Hand Protection Construction jobs require you to use your hands quite often. Hand injuries happen every single year and they can lead to things such as contact dermatitis and even skin cancer as well. This can be very costly but they are very easy for you to avoid. Gloves are very affordable and when you do invest in some, you will soon see that it is very easy for you to shield yourself and your team from a huge range of health issues. Of course, health issues can easily be prevented if you are able to invest in the right gear and you would be surprised at how much of a difference it can make to your team and your business in general. Why not utilise some of the above tips today to see how you could benefit?

Friday, May 8, 2020

Linked In Resume - Skills That Will Win You the Job

Linked In Resume - Skills That Will Win You the JobIf you are seeking a job, it can be very hard to make your way through all the resumes that are presented for your consideration. Most of us have friends and colleagues that have to deal with this daily.Therefore, you may want to put your job seeker skills in your resume. The best candidates will receive the interview call and when they ask to view your resume, your resume will stand out as being the best in the industry. This will give you the upper hand on the interview table.You don't focus on making sure you have all the skills needed for the job. This gives you a false sense of security. If you have the skills to do the job, then you can do it.Rather, you focus on having the skill set and the knowledge and skills needed to get the job done. Your resume should have these words. It is very important to write down these words because the employer will refer to it on the next interview.It is also helpful to get links from your curre nt or former employer on your LinkedIn profile. You should also include on your resume the links to your linked in profiles.In addition, links to your LinkedIn profile are not limited to just LinkedIn. There are websites that offer professional networking. Most employers use these services when seeking talent for their company.Resumes should also include information on your awards received during school. This will give them an idea of your career goals.Finally, you want to include your favorite songs on your resume. They are free and will not cost you anything. Include a link on your resume to the exact song you prefer to listen to at work.